Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 2 - Answer to prayer - 10:00pm

 It was just a few hours ago I wrote to you asking you to pray about an email I sent to an eye surgeon in Arkansas.  I left a note actually on his website that I felt sure wouldn't been seen by anyone until Tuesday.  I thought it might take some time for it to get passed along to him but about 10:00pm tonight I got an email from him that I am going to share with you.  The original contact with him came through Pastor Bryan Johnson who was working for Children's Bible Fellowship of New York at the time. (Therefore the mention of him and his mother in the following e-mail.  Read it and be blessed with me.  Pray for me as I make sure with my Dr.'s that this won't somehow conflict with my pending status with Medical Assistance. 
-------------------------Our answer to prayer arrives--------------------
Pastor Cote,
It's neat how the Lord works.  For some reason I was thinking about you several times in the last two weeks.  Now I know why and how to pray for you.  Thank you for all you did for Mbongeni and your investment in the lives of those young people in Africa.  You took care of His kingdom-now He is going to take care of yours.
I saw Bryan's wonderful mother last week.  What a great Christian family.
Ok, yes diabetic retinopathy needs to be addressed, but there are many treatments that have improved considerably in the last year.  The options include laser, or injections with steroids or Lucentis.  Occasionally surgery.
Yes, it could threaten your sight if it were not treated.  But let's get you treated so that doesn't happen.  
Is there any chance you can get to Will's Eye Hospital in Philadelphia?  They have one of the top ten ophthalmology programs in the world, and retinal diseases are their strong point.
If you can get there, I will call out Tuesday (after the holiday)  and make you an appointment.  I will tell them your financial situation, and that I will make sure they take care of you.  Hopefully by then your Medicaid will kick in.  As an ophthalmologist, I can ask them to see you urgently (though if you need to complete your foot therapy first, I do not believe we would lose any ground waiting one month).
Please let me know, Chris.  I will also need a contact number for the appointment and your date of birth.
Your brother and sister,
David and Nina

-------------------T H A N K    Y O U    J E S U S----------------

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