Monday, October 17, 2011

Where Did Three Months GO?

         Oh happy day, oh happy day!

 I can't believe it's been three months since my appointment with the eye specialist in Philadelphia.  John Rush drove me for the appointment.  GOOD NEWS!  The Dr. told me my eyes look like they have improved since he saw me last time.  That is so encouraging!  Praise the LORD and thanks for your prayers.  My next appointment is in mid-January2012.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Moving ahead

   The day after Labor Day I had my final appointment with the surgeon and the infection doctor.  Both said they won't need to see me again unless I run into problems.  That is pretty exciting.  My foot is 99% healed now and looking really good.  Next - the orthopedic shoe.  It's a major expense that my insurance doesn't cover so that is another hurtle.  Working on the details for just how I will obtain this very important item.
   In early October I will see the eye specialist in Philadelphia for a check up and I will also have my first appointment with the foot doctor.  He will keep an eye on what's happening with my feet.  This is probably the most important part of my treatment next to keeping my diabetes under control.
    The neuropathy in my feet and hands causes me severe pain.  It's funny that I can't feel things with my feet and fingers yet I have so much tingling, burning and pain.  There are treatments for neuropathy but, I am not sure I am ready for that.  Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dr. Chiromeras 
    Today I had my appointment with my family doctor and it was very routine.  I am doing well and ready to get back to a pretty normal life.  LORD willing I will make the trip to Maine the middle of next month etc.  Thanks for your prayers!  They have really made a difference.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Week of GOOD News

   It's been a week for GOOD news!  My foot is healing well.  On Tuesday a.m. I went to see Dr. Vaughn for him to see my foot and he was quite pleased with the healing.  So happy about how it looks that he has decided to remove the VAC and we will just go with a regular bandage on it for the final healing which will take place over the next few weeks.  I will be able to do those dressings on my own so that means - no more visiting nurses.  I am grateful for all they did for me and I will miss seeing them.
  Later in the day I went to Denver to the dentist and Dr. Vohler extracted a tooth and put fillings in the remaining three teeth that needed repair.  Now he is finished for a while I think.  I am so thankful for all the work he has done for me.  I am also thankful for Michelle Nolt who introduced me to Dr. Vohler a few years ago when I was needing some help.
   This morning I went to the infection doctor to see how my blood looks now that the IV has been out a few weeks and I am taking a pill to help ward off infection.  That is working well and I should only be on that another three weeks.
   So, next Tuesday I see my family doctor to see how I am doing to with diabetes and I am praying that she will give me a try at just using a pill to control my blood sugar vs. the insulin and pill I am taking daily now.  I will see Dr. Vaughn again on Sept 6 and the infection doctor on Sept 7 - just before my journey to MAINE.  Thanks for your prayers.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Getting Better Day by Day

Here is the latest picture of my foot that I took today when the VAC dressing was off.  It's looking really good compared to the other earlier photos.  On the right side on the bottom it might not look good in the picture but that is where the blister was a couple weeks ago and it is totally gone.  PRAISE the LORD.  Exciting how well this is doing.

I know that your prayers have been a big part of the healing process.  Thanks so much.  Now we'll wait and see what the surgeon says when I see him on the 16th.  Lord willing he will remove the vac and the rest of the healing will come through using another type of dressing on this. 

Thanks for joining the journey! GOD bless you. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

50% of the work complete

   With only 7 teeth left on the bottom and one scheduled to be extracted, how is it possible to need so many fillings?  Well, my teeth have always been soft, problem teeth.  Dr. Voler was ready to do the left side of my mouth on Tuesday and that afternoon he put 6 fillings in the first three teeth.  August 16 he will do the remaining fillings and extract one tooth that can't be repaired.  Earlier in the day I will see Dr. Vaughn about my foot and hopefully he will give me good news that the VAC will be removed early.  PRAY! August 17 I will see Mr. Furman at infection specialists to see how I am doing with the blood infection since they took the IV away.  I am getting well quickly thanks to your prayers!  Thanks.  My diabetes is under control.
  Yesterday I received my handicapped placard for my car. That will make things a little easier for me.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

In a little while

   I had an unscheduled visit with DR. VAUGHN this afternoon for him to look at a small sore that had developed on the front of my foot where my big toe would have been.  It developed a blister for a variety of reasons and opened up.  It will now be included in the VAC area again.  I will see the doctor again on August 16th and at that time he will evaluate the healing process and make a decision about whether we need to continue with the VAC from there.  Yours prayers are making a difference so keep praying.  GOD bless you. (Thanks DR. VAUGHN)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

GOOD NEWS just keeps coming my way!

   Thanks everyone for your prayers!  Today I had my appointment with the infection specialist and Mr. Furman made me very happy when he told me they could take the PIC line out which means no more IV and I am happy about that.  My glasses were supposed to come next Tuesday but they called me this afternoon to tell me they were ready.  I am happy with them.  I CAN SEE WELL!  Tomorrow I will see Dr. Vaughn about a little sore on the front of my foot that developed over the weekend.  Hopefully it won't be a set back.  Pray for me.  I'll update you after I see him.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Blessings Upon Blessings

  A few years ago a dear supporter of PEI introduced me to Dr. John Voler at Cocalico Dentist Offices.  He's an amazing guy who was willing to take me on as a patient.  When I need to have all my upper teeth extracted for my denture Dr. Voler referred me to an oral surgeon who did a great job and Dr. Voler did all the followup and fixed a couple of my bottom teeth.  I am needing some more work done on the bottom teeth and when he saw me today he told me he will has to extract one of my teeth and the others will need several fillings that he will do in two visits over the next couple weeks.  Please pray for Dr. Voler than GOD would bless him for his kindness to me.  He has an amazing/friendly staff.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The NEWS is getting BETTER all the time

   My visit to Dr. Vaughn (surgeon) Tuesday was awesome.  He said my foot is looking very good.  He removed the stitches from the part of the foot that was healing well before the VAC.  The side that needed help from the VAC is healing so well he might remove the VAC as much as a month early if the healing continues at the same rate as the past two weeks.  I see him again on August 2nd.
   Please continue to pray for Dr. Vaughn that GOD will give him wisdom as he treats me.  He cleared me to walk on my foot fully which means I can walk normally with a modified shoe.  Andrew (my roommate) helped me to modify a velcro closure sneaker that will give me some good support without putting pressure on the wound.

Monday, July 18, 2011


   Today was a great day for me.  Dr. Regillo had great news for me about my eyes.  He told me I do have Diabetic Retinopathy and that it is serious but not as bad as the Dr. in Lancaster told me and if I keep my blood sugar under control, I may never end up blind.  Halleluhah!  Thanks for your prayers.  I believe that is what changed since I saw the eye doctor in Lancaster.
   I am grateful for my friend Tedd (pictured here) who has been a good friend to me.  He volunteered to drive me to Philadelphia for the appointment which took up his whole day.  He treated me to lunch and dinner and paid for his own fuel.  What a great blessing!  I know GOD will bless him for what he did for me.
   So, I go back to Dr. Regillo on October 17th. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011


   It's been a great week.  My foot is doing well and I am getting around ok.  My Aunt Minerva's funeral was on Thurs. and I was able to go to that.  It was good to be able to be with family.  I met with the youth pastors in Ephrata for the first time in several months.  It was good to be with them again. I go to the eye specialist at Mid-Atlantic Retina on Monday and then to Dr. Vaughn (the surgeon) on Tuesday.  The visiting nurses continue to come three times a week to change the vac dressing.  Once a week during their visit they also change the dressing on my IV and draw blood to see how the antibiotic is working out.  GOD bless you all.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Some "NEW" 1st's in life

   It's been quite a journey since Memorial Day weekend.  Thanks for praying and for helping me through this time.  I am excited that this weekend I am celebrating some "NEW" First's in my life.
    Yesterday was the first time I was able to go and see my mom since this all began.  YES, I drove myself and it was awesome.  I have to take a lot of things with me when I go away to be sure I am ready to deal with whatever comes concerning my health but I've put together a checklist of all the things I need and my IPAD keeps all that in check.  Today (Sunday) I will attend Shiloh for the first time and I can't wait to see everyone again.  I'm a bit emotional because they have really rallied around me this year.  GOD is so GOOD!
   HOW AM I DOING?  Great!  Not really in any pain and the VAC is giving me no problems. It's amazing.  Please pray that the VAC heals my foot so there doesn't have to be another surgery in a couple months.  I want to get to Maine before the snow flies.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

GOD will have HIS WAY!

Today my VAC unit alarm went off warning me that there was a leak in the dressing so it couldn't work properly. I reset it but within minutes in sounded again and again. My visiting nurse was coming soon to check on me. When she came she found the leak and fixed it. When I asked what I would do if I was three hours from home at my mom's or in NY for the weekend I have coming up later this month she said I couldn't be doing those things if I have a visiting nurse. Then she explained that I have to be "homebound" to qualify for their services. I told her I was not homebound and didn't want to be homebound. So, she made calls so they could start making the arrangements for outpatient care a three different places. (One for the vac, one for the IV and one for labs .)

This afternoon the visiting nurse called me back to tell me they are going to make an exception and keep me on as a patient for the next three weeks. That is when the IV antibiotics will be finished. Then I am not sure where the VAC will be taken care of. GOD is good. Thanks for your prayers.

Did I tell you how happy I am? I am HAPPY!


It's great to be home again.  Andrew (my roommate) came by the hosptial after work to pick me up.  I was supposed to be in the hospital until Friday but since we got everything worked out for me to have my portable Vac Therapy machine Dr. Vaughn said I could come home.  My nurse forgot to give me my medication that I had brought with me to the hospital - but they had it locked up for me until I came home.  I never go anywhere without that and now 24/7 for possibly 4 months I have my new friend with me (my vac). Andrew kindly drove me back to the hospital to get the medications.

Friday I see Dr. Chiromeras and she is going to cut my dose of insulin in half again which is great news.  We are hoping to get me totally off insulin injections and on to a pill that can help me manage my blood sugar.  (The pills are rought 1% of the cost of insulin).  Next Wed I see the infection Dr. to see how we are doing with the new antibiotic I am taking for the infection in my blood.  Though I thought we would be finished there is a new germ they found in my last blood culture so I will have to keep doing the IV for at least 21 days. 

The visiting nurses come in on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to change the vac dressing. So, no more foot wrapping for me. I am back to being able to drive my car and go places but, I will be counting my steps as this foot is healing and also needs a lot of rest.

A week from Monday I got to Philadelphia for my first visit with the Retina Specialist.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 2 - Answer to prayer - 10:00pm

 It was just a few hours ago I wrote to you asking you to pray about an email I sent to an eye surgeon in Arkansas.  I left a note actually on his website that I felt sure wouldn't been seen by anyone until Tuesday.  I thought it might take some time for it to get passed along to him but about 10:00pm tonight I got an email from him that I am going to share with you.  The original contact with him came through Pastor Bryan Johnson who was working for Children's Bible Fellowship of New York at the time. (Therefore the mention of him and his mother in the following e-mail.  Read it and be blessed with me.  Pray for me as I make sure with my Dr.'s that this won't somehow conflict with my pending status with Medical Assistance. 
-------------------------Our answer to prayer arrives--------------------
Pastor Cote,
It's neat how the Lord works.  For some reason I was thinking about you several times in the last two weeks.  Now I know why and how to pray for you.  Thank you for all you did for Mbongeni and your investment in the lives of those young people in Africa.  You took care of His kingdom-now He is going to take care of yours.
I saw Bryan's wonderful mother last week.  What a great Christian family.
Ok, yes diabetic retinopathy needs to be addressed, but there are many treatments that have improved considerably in the last year.  The options include laser, or injections with steroids or Lucentis.  Occasionally surgery.
Yes, it could threaten your sight if it were not treated.  But let's get you treated so that doesn't happen.  
Is there any chance you can get to Will's Eye Hospital in Philadelphia?  They have one of the top ten ophthalmology programs in the world, and retinal diseases are their strong point.
If you can get there, I will call out Tuesday (after the holiday)  and make you an appointment.  I will tell them your financial situation, and that I will make sure they take care of you.  Hopefully by then your Medicaid will kick in.  As an ophthalmologist, I can ask them to see you urgently (though if you need to complete your foot therapy first, I do not believe we would lose any ground waiting one month).
Please let me know, Chris.  I will also need a contact number for the appointment and your date of birth.
Your brother and sister,
David and Nina

-------------------T H A N K    Y O U    J E S U S----------------

July 2 - Prayer request 7:00pm

     A few years ago my "son" Bo was in need of eye surgery to correct a problem that happened has a result of someone hitting him in the eye in 5th grade.  Through prayers a friend from NY called and told me about someone in Arkansas that might be able to help.  When I contacted that person - he has an eye institute where they could help.  That Christian brother did all the tests, complicated surgery and glasses for Bo who is seeing well today.

     I've just written an email to him to tell him what I am going through and asking him if he could at least consult with me and give me his opinion about my eyes and the issue of possible blindness.  Pray that he responds well to the email.  I know this man really loves the LORD and if it is within his power to help he will do whatever GOD says.

Thanks for your prayers.  Enjoy your holiday weekend.

July 1 - 7:30pm - Surgery finished

Dr. Vaughn says I will be here until at least Thursday or Friday. You visits and phone calls are welcome.  To help the foot heal it is going to have a vacuum dressing on it for two months.  I will be able to walk about the same with my shoe that allows me to walk on the heal of my foot.  I was able to get around quite well with it at home and even do the stairs.  I use a cane at times when I feel I need it.  I will be able to bring the vac with me in the car so I can go to church, to WalMart and to visit friends and my mom.  (All in moderation).  If I can maintain my pain without narcotics - I can even drive myself.  Pray for me as I have plans to be in NY for the dedication of the chapel at Camp Joy, Carmel NY on July 23.  I will spend the night there and then speak at Revolution Church, Bronx NY (Hunt's Point), in the morning and share a testimony at Beacon Church, on the other side of the Bronx in the afternoon.  I will spend the night (LORD willing) with friends near Sleepy Hollow, NY and be home early Monday.\
   They will change the vac dressing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at home.  I will continue to have the IV to take care of for the next two months - three times a day.

How am I doing with all this?

  I had a few rough moments that I have gotten over thanks to some very caring nurses. Your prayers and communication have touched me and helped me.  Have a great holiday weekend.

July 1 - 5:30am

In an attempt to not take any more of my foot - Dr. Vaughn will operate and open up the foot and have a look inside.  The plan is then to put a vacuum dressing on the foot which sucks anything out of my foot that would prevent the healing.  It's speeds the healing in some ways and it will help heal my wound from the inside out. 
How long will I need the vacuum dressing?  Will this be much of a setback?
The vacuum dressing (though it will be changed a couple times a week) will be assisting my healing for ---------TWO MONTHS---------
I don't know exactly how - but, the Dr. tells me I will be able to walk as I have been just a little more complicated with the device which has a battery backup.  So I will be able to go out of the house and be with people. 
Your prayers, phone calls and emails are important to me.  I will be on Facebook while I am in the hospital so by noon today (Friday) I will be finished - back in my hospital room (for a couple days) and visits both at the hospital and home are always appreciated.  Being with people I love makes it so much easier.
Thanks for your prayers.  Pray for Dr. Vaughn and all who will be caring for me.
How am I taking all of this?
The foot part is as I expected and I pray they don't have to take any more of my foot but, I am preparing myself mentally and emotionally for the rest of the foot being removed if this doesn't work.  More and more of the sabbatical will be more recovery and less about me getting to "enjoy" going and being with friends I haven't had time for and the others parts like walking, going to the gym etc. 
My eyes are another story.
There has been a lot of damage already to my eyes from diabetes and it cause many extra blood vessels to grow on the back of my eye but since they shouldn't be there they are weak.  Those blood vessels burst open and cause bleeding behind my eye.  Right now they are around the edge of my eye however some are getting closer to the center.  When that happens I could be partially blind or totally blind.  We are talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars for them to delay that with lasers etc.  The diabetes must be under control before they can do that and I can't get a good perscription for glasses which makes it hard for me.  I use over the counter reading glasses for now and my roommate hooked my computer to a 32'' TV in my room so that I can see well to work on my computer / not needing glasses at all to see clearly. 
It could happen in the next 3 - 5 years.  That one is really throwing me for a loop.  But, since I live moment by moment and not in a time machine - I am thanking GOD every moment for eyes that can see - and even though my foot has these problems - thank GOD I can walk at all and this has been somewhat painless.
Looking forward to a long happy, healthy life and you are a big part of it.  Thanks for caring and sharing.
Because JESUS lives -------------So do I
Pastor Chris
Sympathy, pity and worry are not allowed.  Rejoicing and thankfulness to GOD and my doctors, nurses and roomate are WELCOME.  
   I arrived at the hospital just before 7:00a thanks to Andrew (my roommate).  I got checked in and headed off to day surgery to get ready for the operating room.  Dr. Vaughn came in to see me for a minute before they took me into O. R.  The whole thing took less than an hour.  He just opened up the left side of my foot and cleaned it up and made sure there was no infection present.  I was back in my room by 10:35.   

June 30 - Your prayers make a difference

It is such a blessing for me to know that you are there praying for me and I'm sure you are getting others to pray as well.  This is all like a bad dream and I keep wanting to wake up.  Just when I deal with one difficult thing there comes another and another.
 Your prayers can make a difference.  The eye specialist I saw yesterday told me that the diabetes has really made a mess of my eyes and because of broken blood vessels behind my eye and bleeding there I am in the process of going blind. This process my be able to be slowed down, but I could totally lose my sight over the next 5 years without some extremely expensive laser surgery.  Not good news.
 Today I will find out what they are doing about my foot.  I believe I will be going back in the hospital for a couple days for the Dr. to totally open my wound.  After that it will require a vacuum dressing for as long as 2 months.  If it doesn't heal properly they might have to take more of my foot.  This process considering everything could cost another $100,000.
  How am I taking all of this.  Honestly?  After a couple tough hours each time of crying and feeling like I am fighting a losing battle, people like you give me the strength and courage to face this with confidence and think of brighter days ahead.  It's difficult.
  So today - (Thursday) June 30 at 3:15p I will get the details about what is happening next. Your emails, prayers, phone calls and visits mean so much!
  --------------G  O  D    B  L  E  S  S   Y O U------------------
Because JESUS lives,
Pastor Chris
If you would not like to receive these updates - please email me with
the subject line - NO UPDATES - and I will remove you from the list.
Since a few people have asked for updated contact information -------
     SNAILMAIL: 2 Parkwood Drive, Lancaster PA 17601
                 CELL:  717-471-8737
     How can you help? Write: Brett Rush

Thanks for your prayers.  I wasn't sure how GOD would answer them but, I believe HE has answered in a way we might not have thought of. 

June 27 - A new way of life

It's been 7 days since I came home.  I am doing well with: changing the dressing on my foot, taking care of the IV 3 times per day, testing my blood sugar and injecting myself with insulin. I was right on target with my sugar levels thanks to the new diet but when I saw my Primary Physician (the one I prayed would accept me as a patient - Dr. Diane Chiromeras), she was concerned that my sugar values need to be raised.  Bottom line - she cut the amount of insulin to accomplish that.  When I see her on July 8 if I am doing well enough - they might remove me from the insulin altogether and I would take pills.  This would make the cost go from $800 per. month for insulin and testing supplies to about $12.00 for the pills.  GREAT!

Dr. Chiromeras was so happy with the way my foot looks she said Dr. Vaughn might take the stitches out tomorrow. (It's my birthday - but if you happen to use FACEBOOK don't mention it on there.)  Pastor Brett will take me tomorrow since the Dr. knows him well from all the times he was at the hospital with me. (My pastor is so awesome).

Being a part of Shiloh Community Fellowship is amazing.  They have been pouring out their love for me in so many ways.  What a testimony.  They are providing rides to all my appointments.  The ladies from the church are bringing lunch meals to me and extra groceries. I am so blessed.  Today I got lunch and dinner (plus extras).

Not working during this years sabbatical had me concerned but, I am convinced that GOD is going to provide for everything. Pastor Brett has my "want list", "needs" and is the best source if you are curious about how you can help. 717-314-9767.

I should be able to walk on my foot by the end of July and have my special shoe a month later.  Pray that we find a good transition shoe.  Dave Mumma (my old roommate is Ephrata is in that business so they will help me select something).

Blessings to all of you.  My NEW "snail mail address is: 2 Parkwood Dr., Lancaster, PA 17604. Facebook friends ~ sorry I haven't been around.  We don't have internet at home and my 3G signal on the IPAD is too weak to use that but, LORD willing funds will come in to help me have that installed.  My host: (Andrew) has agreed to get it hooked up and trust GOD that the funds will come in so I can continue to communicate with folks around the world.  GOD bless you all. Thanks for your prayers.

June 23 - Finally Home

 Finally home from my three week stay in the hospital.  It was quite an experience with many opportunities to share my faith with doctors and nurses.  I gave invitations to my church to all of them. It as amazing to receive so many Get Well cards, visits, phone calls (from 10 countries), emails and Facebook messages. I was deeply touched by the outpouring of love.
  I came home on Tuesday afternoon after quite a whirlwind day of confusion getting discharged.  Thank GOD for Pastor Randy Zimmerman who patiently waited through all that to bring me home.
  I came home with a bag full of medicine priced at $598.00. When I arrived home I unpacked all that to find that they had not included the insulin.  I have two types of insulin I use that is in a new thing called a Flexpen.  It's an easy way for someone that has limited use of their hands (arthritis and neuropathy) to give the injections. It's expensive.  The type of insulin I take during the day was $179.00 for 4 pens. (1200 units of insulin). I use 24 - 40 units per day.  The nighttime insulin was $198.00 for 5 pens (1500 units of insulin). I use 46 units per day right now.  The amount of insulin changes with time.
  Along with all that - I came home with an long term IV port for the antibiotic that is administered three times per day for two more weeks.  They delivered the supplies for that shortly after I got home. Those were $1,230.00.  A visiting nurse arrived shortly after to train me how to take care of the IV, how to change the dressing on my foot and to give me the plan for the next two weeks. Because of the risks involved while I have the IV and the fact that we are trying to get my foot healed and the infection gone I can't go out.  I must limit my activity. I have a special shoe that puts all my weight on the heal of my foot and I will have that until the end of July when I foot will be 90% healed. So, I can't go to church for the next 2 weeks and only go out for my Dr. appointments.
   I feel like I should at least be an LPN by the end of all this.  I have 9 medications to take at different times of the day. I test my blood sugar 4 times and administer insulin 4 times per day. I  give myself the IV antibiotics 3 times a day. It takes me about 8 minutes having to push 4 different liquids that come in syringes into the IV port in my upper arm.  The antibiotic takes about 5 minutes to slowly push in. I also inject something to keep me from getting blood clots.  Before each I push in saline to flush the line.
   Too much information?  As I am asking you to pray you can see that this is a lot to deal with on top of Dr. appointments for a variety of things I will be going to.  I am experiencing moments of blindness which is scary but I will be seeing someone about that soon. The GOOD NEWS in all of this - I am excited about my new life and diet.  I've lost a lot of weight and have 35 lbs to be at my goal weight.  When I am able to walk - you'll find me on the walking trails near my house and getting lots of exercise.  Even going to the gym to firm up this body.  I call it THE REBUILDING OF THE TEMPLE.
  Thanks for your continued prayers as I am on my one year sabbatical.  During this time I will not be working or traveling doing ministry.  No mission trips until July 2012 (Nicaragua) and Jan 2013 (Africa) - Lord willing!  I will be taking time to get my health under control, get in shape and have time to be involved in my church and a small group. I will also have time to be with friends that I was too busy to be with.  All this is going to bring about a total healing and prepare me for what GOD has ahead.  One project during this sabbatical is writing a book about my experience with this whole diabetes thing.  (A DVD version will follow)  I have to have the book ready to publish by Nov or Dec.
  IF YOU READ TO THIS POINT . . .you must really care about me. THANK YOU!  You might be wondering how I will be able to live without working during this year.  I've been told not to worry about that. That GOD has a plan.  I've taken that leap of faith to do the ministry all these years.  When it was a leap to help someone else I didn't have a problem.  Now it is to help me.  It's been 16 years without a break or vacations with the exception of one summer when FIKA & BO and I were blessed with a great few days in Rehobeth Beach thanks to Larry & Suzie Cooper. Pray for me. I am not used to having people helping me.  Right now people have to shop for me and drive me to appointments.  Even some meals are being brought in.  My church (Shiloh Community Fellowship - Quarryville - Brett Rush, Sr. Pastor) is rallying around me.
  I'm finished. I would love to hear from you and visits are welcome.  I live in Willow Street with the bass player from my church (Andrew Lehman).Our address is 2 Parkwood Drive, Lancaster, PA 17604.  My cell: 717-471-8737.  

GOD is GOOD!  Jesus said: "I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly" Take time to enjoy LIFE.

A difficult jouney begins

For nearly 12 years I realized I had diabetes and did nothing about it.  No doctors, no testing - nothing.  Why?  There are many reasons.  Someday I can talk with you about them.  The biggest reason was - financial.  I was on a mission to help children in Africa.  To do that I had to stay debt free work hard to help provide the needed funds for that work.  I thought I could manage life and beat diabetes through prayer.  In the meantime, I ignored the part of the scripture that talked about my body being a "temple" and didn't really take care of it.  I worked long hard hours and sacrificed in many ways - but, there was a huge lack of balance in my life that caused a downward spiral in my life that I knew would lead to terrible things down the road.  My plan? God will heal me or I will join Him in that place that JESUS has gone to prepare for me.

On Memorial Day weekend after many years of treating my diabetic ulcers on my left foot, suffering with severe neuropathy in my feet and hands, and being faced with a problem I couldn't treat on my own, the long road of thinking I could handle this without doctors and nurses came to an end.  Though my ulcers healed closed and it seemed all was well the infection had no way out of my body.  It quickly attacked the the toe next to my big toe on my left foot. The toe died, the infection moved into the bone.  On Memorial Day when I changed the dressing all the flesh came off my toe and there was exposed bone.  The next day I drove myself to Lancaster General Hospital (dis-oriented from the severe blood infection the 15 drive took me two hours).  They told me the news.

In keeping with my plan, once I found out they needed to amputate at least part of my foot and treat the blood infection I knew the cost would be over $100,000.  I knew the body of Christ wouldn't give that kind of money to save my life (being a servant of THE MOST HIGH GOD for nearly 30 years), I couldn't claim financial hardship as a joint heir to the KINGDOM and ask Medicaid to pay, so I was ready to die as gracefully as I could.  When I asked the Dr. how long I would live if I just did nothing further and went home - he thought I was crazy.  But, that was my plan.  He told me I would last more than a week to 10 days.  All I wanted was some pain medication to make me comfortable and I would go home.  When my pastor and his wife arrived that was what I planned to do.  Now . . . . join the journey and see what happens from here.

  *the next day the amputation of all the toes on my left foot
       (Surgeon: Dr. David Vaughn)
  *the following Monday back to O.R. to clean up wound (remove infection)
  *several weeks of strong antibiotic via IV to kill the blood infection (to continue at home)
  *the next Monday close the wound and I go home

The updates follow.